Saturday, July 23, 2011

Longterm pain relief, what meds have the least side effects in the long AND short term?

I have chronic lower-mid back pain caused by osteo arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I am told by my doctor that I will most likely be on pain meds for many years. Currently I take panadol osteo (3x p/d) and tramadol 200mg (2x p/d) both of these are hepatoxic and not strong enough however I have tried oxy codone and oxy contin but both give me bowel problems and head ache and make me too drowsy to look after my daughter (a toddler) Has anyone got any ideas of what I can try that will be strong enough but with out all the side effects?

My cats purr sounds nasally, like she has a runny nose?

My cat Bella is a grey and white domestic short hair. I put her up on my bed, and she started to nest (you know, where they look like they're padding on the spot when they get comfortable), she started to purr unusually loud, so I had a listen, and it sounded a bit odd, like she had a runny nose or some phlegm in her throat, because she swallowed a couple of times. She's only 3 years old, so she is not old. She likes to go across the road into the neighbours garden and disappear under big leafy bushes. Does she have an allergy or something? It is winter time, and it is very cold outside and Bella does not often come inside at night, could it be the cold? Vets, people with cats, anyone who has experience, please answer? :3

I have Degenerative Disc Disease in my neck and back and Scoliosis...?

I have been having severe right shoulder pain for as long as I can remember. It feels like burning and stabbing and my neck and shoulder feel really tight. Now it is painful when I move my arm. I take a ton of Ibuprofen and I am icing it all the time. My doctor has decided to finally refer me to an orthopedic doctor. Does the DDD have anything to do with the shoulder pain? I have a very high tolerence to pain and I am miserable. This shoulder pain makes my back pain seem like a walk in the park... I have no idea what will happen once I see the orthopedic doctor. I am afraid that my doctor has let this go for too long and there is going to be damage that will require surgery ( I have seen her quite a few times for the same issue) . Any information, thoughts would be appreciated.

About how much does it cost to buy a luxury RV?

It depends some RVs cost $1,000,000. Others cost $80,000. They're both luxurious, but some more than others. If you want to go in on the details of the RV you're looking for, email me at

I'm scared of losing my dad?

There's nothing wrong with the way you feel. You should have a talk with your father and let him know you care for him. You should talk to him about letting himself go and not taking care of himself. It doesn't hurt to go ahead nd open up to him, so you should.

How to deal with a mentally challenged child?

what would you do if your first child is born with a mental degenerative desease? how to deal with that? knowing the child will have to have diapers changed for the rest of her life, will never walk, has a dead brain? is it to horrible to thing about euthanasia? what is the point of living like that? please dont judge me...

Is a chrysler town and country a good road trip car?

Btw we have 4 people and two dogs. We are going to EVERY state, for Fun. Is there anything like an rv, but uses less gas? We like the way the seats turn around, but want more space! Do you know any routes, we live in AZ if that helps! Also, any dog friendly state parks or other places to visit? Thanks! :)

Depression after back injury?

Hello. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I'm in somewhat of the same position you are. I became ill 3 years ago. Right after that, because of the economy, my husband lost a very good paying job. I also lost my health insurance. I had to go through tons of medical tests, and ended up in the hospital 3 times. The medical bills destroyed us. My health has gotten worse, and i am unable to do anything now. I haven't left my house in months. I've become severely depressed because of the stress and pain i'm in every day. My marriage is pretty much over also. I would just urge you to try to talk to somebody about how you feel, so it doesn't ruin your marriage. I can't do a lot of things now, so i need somebody to help me, and all i had was my husband, and now i don't even have that anymore. Trust me, you don't want to lose that, on top of everything else. Maybe if i would have got therapy early on, that would have helped me cope better. You have so much going on, that it sounds like it's more then you can deal with on your own. They actually have therapists that work with people that have health issues. They teach you how to cope with being sick all the time, and the depression that comes along with it. I think it's worth a try. I hope and pray you feel better soon. I know what you're going through, so i know how difficult it can be. Best of luck to you. Take care.

Qualify for disability? If not, what next?

Are you seeing a specialist for your spine condition? Use your remaining health insurance for that - and the financial support to pay for continuous treatment. You may be eligible for SSI if your assets and income are low enough. Also look into food stamps and other general assistance. There may be a state health plan in your area for low income residents. Contact your local social services agency to find out what resources are available. If you've already received/are receiving regular medical treatment, you can call SS to see if you're eligible for SSI or any other type of assistance. There are also attorneys who offer a free consultation. At this point, the financial support you are receiving may make you ineligible for SSI benefits, but it doesn't hurt to find out when you would be eligible. Also contact your local social services agency to see if your state offers state disability (some states offer this). Good luck.

Is my UK driving license valid in canada?

For tourists, you'll be fine. I'm a tour guide, and we accept foreign licenses. Some get the International license just to make sure, but, we've never required it for our vehicles.

Marriage, sex and disability ... what should I do?

Don't do it. I understand that you have needs but what your contemplating on doing will put a strain on your marriage & a heavy burden on your sick wife. I'm in the same boat as you & your wife is. Suffering from an (degenerate) autoimmune disease. Although we aren't at a stage where sex in painful for me, it has somewhat effected our sex life as far as the physical requirements. What you need to do is come up when new ideas on how to position your wife that makes her comfortable. Use pillows, neck rolls, toys etc. if you have to. Also there are other ways to gain sexual gratification without the actual penetration that she can perform on you & vice verse. But having sex with your friend of 25 yrs. is not the answer to your problem. If anything the only thing you'll accomplish is more heartache for you & your wife. And for what? For a moment of sexual gratification? It's not worth it if you love your wife.

Long distance plus bigger problems.?

I am in a long distance relationship with a girl. We have been talking for about 9 months. We say we love each other and i think i do. I really love talking to her and sharing things from my life with her. i already broke it off with her once but we are back together. It is becoming harder and harder to go on with this relationship. I want to be with her but i think it isnt going to work. Also she has a degenerative muscle disorder and it is worse then i was lead to believe. I dont know if i could deal with having to feed her in the future. I dont know what to do. I dont want to loose her but on the other hand i have these doubts and don't think it is fair to her to keep going on. Im LOST! i just dont want to **** her over

All about cassie anthony the big liar?

her parents is lieing,is it possible that when the jurors family visit them that they can sneak and tell them what's really going on? what do u think will happen to this murderer? if she goes free or get convicted either way i believe someone will kill her, In session 9am till 3pm Tru tv station monday thru sat,then after 3pm put tv on channel hln to continue live court session,,her lawyers have went from drowning,to nannie to father and brother sexing her to poy krone to etc they just forgot opening statement,do u think the murderer will get on stand,cause if she do she is gonna lie lie lie and they will make a monkey out of her,her mom is in trouble saying she was on computer cause one day this week rebuttal they are calling for her employers and they have checked her timecard,cindy is stupid trying to save this monster knowing she killed her grand her only grand,believe cassie got jealous of mom and daughter,bella villa vista she will be when the girls in there get a hold of her,like jeffery dobman

POLL: Would you make a day of this?

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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Hi so tommorow morning i am leaving on vacation and i am going to spend 15 hours in an rv so my question is what is a good free game programs that i can stay entertained while offfline

Basic Pregnancy Questions.?

First things first... congrats on your new baby girl! evryone is different. i ewas able to feel the kicking and movments at like 27 weeks, so hopefully soon! and youll get the biggest in the end. and i didnt get an epidural. i did it all by myself. no drugs. i survived. it hurts but once the pain is gone its gone and done. my cousin had one, and her epidural got messed up and she still has terriable migranes. evryone reacts to them different. good luck!

Have you ever contemplated cutting back from technology ?

It just occurred to me the length of time I'm obsessively glued to electronics to the point where I could sense the deepest depths of my soul starving for a greater purpose than the usual habits of typing, checking mails, mobile, facebook etc. they're so degenerative to a certain point.

Why are my cats suddenly attacking one another?

I have three cats. Bobbie (8 year old female), Lee J (7 year old male), and Bella (4 year old female). They have all lived together, with only the occasional spat, for four years now. Then, the other day they discovered a mouse in the basement that they all were stalking. None of them caught it (it went into a trap that we had set up), but a violent fight occurred over this (that I did not witness, but heard). We calmed them down with some food, but after wards Bobbie went tearing after Lee J, hissing and batting at him, while he ran scared. I went and found him, and picked him up to comfort him, when Bella came in the room and started violently attacking me (biting leading to blood and bruises) trying to get to Lee J. We separated them, putting Bella and Bobbie in a room, and Lee J in another for the night. For the next two days they acted fine with each other, but then at night we woke up to another fight of the two female cats against my male. We separated them again for the night, but then in the morning when we let them out, Bobbie started sniffing around, found Lee J's scent, tracked him to his hiding spot, and started to violently attack him. He is currently removed from the situation (my mom is going to take care of him for a little while and have my dad [a vet] look at him). This has never happened before. My cats have always been peaceful and have gotten along with each other (in fact, Lee J is Bobbie's biological son). All of them are spayed and neutered. But, it is strange that the female cats are not fighting with each other, only attacking my male cat. Even my dad is perplexed why they suddenly turned on one another. Has anyone had a similar situation, or can shed some light on the subject? I love my cats very much, and I want us all to be a family again soon.

What to pack for summer vacation?

This summer I am going to williamsburg, virginia for seven days and i need to know what to pack. We are driving to richmond virginia and staying at a hotel for a night and then going to rent an rv and drive to williamsburg. We will be staying at a campsite and will be visiting historic williamsburg, bush gardens, and some sort of waterpark. I just need a big list of what to bring. Thanks :)

Newborns with a big problem?

I have 2 little twins. I had them 3 weeks ago. Their names are Bella and Claire and they are great babies. I cannot get bella to breast feed though. it has been a big struggle for me to help her get into the routine. I feel sick and tired. she also has been vomiting up blood. HELP!

How do you know when it's time to put your dog to sleep?

You'll know believe me. There is this certain look in their eyes when they look at you that tells you they are ready and it's time to say good bye. I had a 10 year old GSD with the same problems and one day she looked at me and I knew it was time. It's really hard to explain until you experience it but you will know.

Can I sue my employer?

I have to ask you if you have filed a Workman's Compensation claim within your state where you live for this injury. This is the most important thing for you to do, even more important than suing your employer. The Workman's Compensation benefits are paid by both you and your employer, and this is insurance for a work related injury. Were you not to have first pursued a Workman's Compensation claim and went instead to an attorney to sue your employer, with the employer's insurance company paying the claim rather than Workman's Compensation paying the claim, the employer's insurance company can and probably will ask the court for a continuance on your claim until it is known how much money Workman's Compensation will be paying you, either in monthly compensation or in a lump sum payment, usually paid in bi-weekly periods. Were the amount of Workman's Compensation money you receive or will receive to not be enough, then you may sue your employer and the money will either come from the employer's insurance company or directly from the employer as ordered by the court. Workman's Compensation and your employer's insurance company will do all they can to drag this on in an attempt to wear you out so you will go away. I have a friend who broke his neck on the job nine years ago and is 100 percent disabled and can't ever work again. He spent the first eight years in pain even after three operations, and it wasn't until the fourth operation in the ninth year he finally got the relieve from pain. He has been receiving Workman's Compensation in monthly payments based on a doctor who was working in collusion with Workman's Compensation and only gave him a fifty-seven percent disability when he can't even turn his head from side to side or up or down because there are pins in his spine that prevent him from doing so. He is trying to get a final settlement with Workman's Compensation and get the percentage of his disability changed from fifty-seven percent to 100 percent disability because he can't do anything that may bring strain to his neck or he could get back the pain he endured for eight long years. My advice to you is make sure you have an attorney with a good track record and one who knows how to work with Workman's Compensation cases and won't pussyfoot around with you and will tell you the truth. The truth is it takes lot of time to settle work related injuries and for anyone doing so it is best get on with ones life while the process of pursuing a claim takes on a life on its own and will go through the process whenever it does and nobody has control over when it does. Yes, your claim could go on for ten or more years, so get on with living your life the best you can in the mean time and don't rely on promises your attorney makes or anything Workman Compensation states until you have received any money. In other words, you are being told by your employer, the employer's insurance company, and will be in the future told by Workman's Compensation that you will have to wait in line to get any money and they will all take as long as they possibly can to withhold any payments to you because they want the money themselves and won't release it unless ordered to by the court. We have lost worker's rights in the U.S.A. and it is only going to get worse as businesses and the government force unions out of existence and refuse to engage in collective bargaining when it comes to workers rights, safety on the job, benefits and pay. The union movement that provided the working conditions we have now will be gone and who is the loser? You are and so are the rest of the wage earners of America. It is called greed and the corporations and government are pursuing greed and have taken the stance that unions will be broken.

Where to buy a replacement outer skylight on a 1993 fleetwood Pace arrow RV?

The outer skylight above thetub in my 1993 fleetwood pace arrow rv got cracked. Does anyone know where I can buy one that is relatively cheap? Thanks

How do I know if I'm a were wolf? Does it sound like it to u?

My nails gorow really fast. I sleep hard and if I ever dream I have night mares. I was born June 16 which caused it to be a full moon it was the biggest moon of the year. My first name is bella and my middle is Luna meaning beautiful moon. When I shave my legs it all grows back in the morning. I love rare meat to and love the woods one time I ran away and ran into the woods and rested.

How close is the Iraqi dinar to RV?

Doesn't matter, you won't make a dime when it re-valuates. The re-valuation would be structured such that if anything you would lose money and revaluation doesn't mean the currency becomes accepted so you still won't be able to exchange it for anything. You got scammed, plain and simple.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Where is the best place to fish at Grapevine Lake?

I was looking and there are 5 locations Meadowmere Park, Oak Grove Park, Murrell Park & Twin Coves Marina, Twin Coves RV Park, Marshall Creek Park.. I do not have a boat so it has to be like shoreline/pier. Also its has to be a good camping spot.. which one is the place to go????Thank You so Much for your help

CT Lumbar spine results?

So I would have to say you need to ask your doctor the question about surgery. Basically the report says your lower back has two spots where your spinal cord is being pinched. This can be cause from an injury or unfortunately body habitus (aka few more pounds than a normal person...sorry no easy way to explain that one). Carrying extra pounds around puts a lot of strain on things especially your back and can cause a disc (the paddingin betweenn your vertebrae) to bulge or even slip out of it's spot causing a pinch on the spinal cord. Depending on the severity of the stenosis will help your doctor decide on your treatment. sometimes they tell you to lose some weight and exercise which they tell you which ones to do or in the most severe cases they will take you to surgery. Listen to your choices the doctor gives you and my advice is try everything else before going the surgery route. Sometimes surgery is exactly what you need and it turns out great and sometimes surgery doesn'tt turn out great and your still in pain. Good luck!!!!

He had a mri my question is he is in the process of getting disability is this a reason that they will disable?

cause of this to diseases that they found on him about the multilevel spondylosis and degenerative disc diseases, how serious is this.

Did i just meet a professional beggar?

This lady came up and asked for money for gas because she said she ran out and she was at her wits end. I had a gas can with 5 gallons and offered to give her some but then she said another person tried to do that but she had the kind of car that doesn't accept gas unless its from a gas station nozzle. But I said we would try anyways and I just had to finish parking my rv because she came up while I was parking. I started finishing parking and she just walked away and left in her car. Wtf was this lol? She had a nice ford pickup and didn't look shabby at all. Was she like a professional beggar? Maybe she thought I wad rich with my rv and would give her more than 5 dollars? Lol

Are you a fan of zendaya and bella's friendship?

maybe they're taking it too far, like they "cuddle" and hug too much..(if you know what I'm saying). Are they hiding something, or are they just good friends?

Which college to chose for BE (CS) -- RV, PESIT or BMSCE?

If your aim is to study computer science, you shouldn't take chance and take up any stream in RV because it could ruin your career. Industrial, chemical and biotech engineering are totally different from computer science engineering.

How old do you have to be to buy an RV and get a loan for it?

I want to buy an RV when I turn 16. I'm planning on buying one for less than $10,000. I want to buy one so I can drive to AKC competitions by myself and have a place to stay since I can't rent a hotel room by myself.

What are you favorite Twilight books and characters?

I think my favorites from best to worst would be Eclipse, Breaking dawn, Twilight, and New Moon. Even though New Moon is last I still love it, its just not my favorite. My favorite characters are Edward and Jasper. I am team Cullen!

Is the addiction that I have to the Twilight Saga normal?

Sometimes I get so swept up into the story that I imagine Edward as mine. I listen to the soundtracks as I'm reading the books. I feel every single emotion Bella has. Is there something wrong lol? Please tell me there are others like me. And if you don't like the books or movies don't come on here telling me I'm wasting my time. Its my life. Thanks :)

What are some cool things I could do with my Chinpoo/Poochin?

I just got a cute Chinpoo/Poochin dog named Bella and I would like to know what cool and fun things I could do with her.

Pulmonary Hypertension?

I have been informed that a right ventricular pressure (RV-RA pressure, systole) of 35 falls within the definition of pulmonary hypertension. Question: What does the number 35 mean? How serious a case of pulmonary hypertension is it? There is also a diagnosis of akinesis of the inferior wall, severe apical hypokinesis and mild to moderate aortic valve calcification. I would very much appreciate if someone could explain these terms and what the life expectancy of a 61 year old male with these symptoms (as well as copd and dilated cardiomyopaty, EF 18) is. Thankyou.

Random Excruciating Pains In My Legs?

so every few hours i get this random pain in the middle of the bone under my knee. the name escapes me. if you have ever seen twilight when bella gets her leg broken in the studio thats the only thing i can say to discribe it! it brings a tear to my eye and it is the worst pain i have ever felt! it has been there for about 3 years always presuming it would disapear as i grew. i am 13 years old and i cant stand it! it hurst so bad. it literally feels like a blunt object going through my leg! i dont know what all to do. any explenation or theory would be nice thank you

My friend having hot and cold flashes, can't eat and is sweating really bad. What could be wong?

He is 51 years old and has degenerative disc syndrome. He can barely move because his back is in so much pain. He doesn't want to go to the hospital, but he says it feels like he is dying.

A Nurse Practioner Diagnosed me with degenerative disc disease.?

I went to her because of pain in my Neck Shoulder and in my tricep forearm and tingling in my fingers. She never mentioned a referral just put me on Pain meds for a couple weeks till I called and asked what next, she then said I could get an MRI. After 2 weeks I called to ask about the scheduling of an MRI and she told me "The insurance company was taking their time." Though, suddenly after calling it was scheduled that day. After I had a massive panic attack in the MRI I had to reschedule it though when I called her office they said she was off today. There was No one who could help me until she got back. My arm was now in extreme pain and I had lost 50% of my strength in it. I called the DUKE hospital main number and they said go to the ER or urgent care. I went to urgent care and the Nurse Practitioneer there said i needed tyo see a specialist immidiately and scheduled me the next day. Go the MRI, i have two ruptured disc in my Cervical vertibrae and Surgery on this WED. Is this normal or Malpractice?? Any thoughts?? This all took place over more than a month ago.

Can multiple injuries that affect your job performance get you a medical discharge from the army?

I have two injured knees, tenitus in both ears, three narrowed disc in my middle back, degenerative disc disease in my l4/l5, caraticonus in both eyes, and arthritus in my shoulders and neck. All currently at the same time.

Do anybody know a good home workout DVD, for arthritis sufferers?

Due to the fact that I have degenerative arthritis in both of my knees, what I'm looking for is a good home workout DVD, that doesn't have to much impact on my knees. For example, the P90x video by Tony Horton, seems to be a pretty good workout video. But the only problem, is that I read that it's not a good workout for those who have arthritis in their knees, due to the high impact exercises. So if anybody know of a good home workout DVD, that is good for arthritis sufferers, PLEASE let me know. Thanks in advance for anybody who helps.

This is a question about an MRI report done for a women who is suffering from back and knee pain?

What is the meaning of Degenerative grade I anerior sublluxation of L3 over L5 and L5 over L3 seen. 2) Broad based disc extrusion and superior migration seen at L3-L5 level narrowing the spinal canal, lateral recessses and compressing the thecal sac and nerve roots. 3) Disc dehydration seen at all lumbar disc spaces 4) Whole spine: Blding annulus seen at C4-C5 and C4-C6 levels narrowing the spinal canal and slightly indenting the cord surface. I will be greteful if an expert intrepreat the findings of MRI

Please read my short random writing and tell me what you think of it, thanks!?

The whip dashed out towards Ellex. He spun in the air avoiding the sudden attack. Quickly he looked back at Adam while in the air and shot his pistol at him several times. The bullets merely missed Adam's head gazing his spiked hair. Once Ellex landed he continued doing jumps off the walls to avoid the sharp point of the whip that continues to hurl towards him. Adam grins and laughs out loud simultaneously as he aggressively swings his whip cutting through furniture in the room making the place flying with chunks of the furniture. Bella runs into the room unaware of the mess that flies in the air. Sharp wood parts from the furniture dash towards Bella, she whips out her sword and cuts the wood into small splinters. Ellex and Adam notice Bella is in the room and Ellex jumps his way to her while dodging the whip. Adam stops going for Ellex and shoots the whip out to Bella. Before the whip could actually penetrate through her, Ellex sees his opportunity and shoots the whip snapping it.

Will Animals be with us in Heaven? Please Respond!?

"god" is how you perceive him. You cant all ways listen to others perceptions of god. To me "god" loves everything and everybody he created. He therefore must surely understand the deep love we have for the animals he created for us. Some people will try to tell you that animals don't have souls but i know deep in my heart that they do. I have the utmost confidence that you grandmother and her dog will meet in heaven one day.

How much is the hostel fees in MSRIT & PESIT & RV Bangalore?

exactly i don't bangalore..hostel fees comes around 60,000 to 70, includes everything...if u wish to stay as paying guest u can save a lot..u can't chose ur room mates..warden decides everything...

Would you marry a nice honest good looking man with degenerative health problems?

I was the primary caregiver for my hubby who developed cancer. It was really hard to watch. It left some deep sadness. So, no. I don't think I would care to go through that again. Once was enough for anyone.

Was I wrong? Or was he wrong?

In my opinion sweetie he was wrong. The time 9:03 wasn't even the time that you guys discussed. He wanted to get there at 9:30 so why show up at my house 27 minutes early then what you told me. If he wanted to come early then he would've at least got there at 9:15 like you asked him to.

Where's the best place to purchase an RV from in Phoenix area? What one(s) should I avoid?

I will be purchasing an RV in the next few months, so I am starting to research the various RV dealers in the Phoenix area. Any suggestions that you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

My neighbors dog is sneaking under my fence?

I agree with tuan anjing they should have there dog under control I would wait until it come under the fence then take it to the pound

My gall bladder hurts and i have bad heart burn?

It sounds like your gallbladder. You could have gallstones. I went into the ER last year with gallbladder trouble, the hospital said there was nothing wrong. Fast forward to spring and surgery that took twice as long as it should, I had a gallstone the size of a golf ball and my gallbladder was turning gangrenous. Apparently the surgeon I saw didn't agree with the ER doctor.

Getting Emancipated, Want Your Opinion.?

Well you haven't told us why you fell you need to be emancipated. Do you have some serious troubles at home, or are you just tired of your mom telling you to take out the trash? Anyway if things at home aren't absolute hell then just wait until you turn eighteen and then go to college. Otherwise you'll be throwing away your life.

I found out I have arthritis in my spine, should I give up playing football?

I was told I have moderate degenerative changes in my spine, arthritis. I am only 21 and love playing football was just wondering what peoples opinions are as I don't know much about arthritis.

How do you know when your pregnant if you have degenerative disc disease ?

I have gotten an MRI which diagnosed me having the disease but, I also have symptoms like dizziness nauseousness, and hot and cold flashes from this disease....i have taken a pregnancy test and came negative..that was three weeks ago....i also just recently stopped taking cymbalta which has made my mind messed up...(i ran out of it)...i also have no insurance because i recently moved so i can't just go see a doctor...idk what to do...and please don't be

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is this something to be concerned about? How serious is this?

Well At Least You Went To Your Doctor. I Have Read About This. You Should Be In The Hospital and/or Receiving Medication.

How to deal with mentally challenged child?

what would you do if your first child is born with a mental degenerative desease? how to deal with that? knowing the child will have to have diapers changed for the rest of her life, will never walk, has a dead brain? is it to horrible to think about euthanasia? what is the point of living like that? please dont judge me...

How do you set up WIFI for a Campground?

I am a manager of a small RV Park located near cities but also relatively secluded. I have many people asking me for WIFI as if it is this simple thing I can just magically get. I'm no where near an expert on WIFI networks or maybe any other options I would have to provide Internet to the campers. I'm wondering if someone can explain my options in layman terms, providing what the cost would be, who I contact, how much work it is, etc...

I will be traveling in the deep south this summer on a vacation.?

As a native Californian I would like to visit some points of interest throughout the South. I will driving in my RV and enjoy the back roads of America and meeting interesting people. Any suggestions?

How to ask doctor for a stronger medicine so I don't take so many others ?

Make an appointment with your doctor, and say "Hey, so I have 3 bulged disks and disk degenerative disease in 2 disks as well as torn ligaments an other stuff. I take a bunch of pain killers, but I get tired of taking so many pills. Could I get a stronger pain killer that I would only take once per day? Thank you!"

Is a doctor allowed to do this?

I went to see a doctor, I don't have insurance , so the appointment cost 295$ I went and talked to the doctor about my back, and showed her my MRI and Xray and she prescribed me 10mg of hydrocodine 3x a day. With a refill for the next month, after 2 months the prescription ran out, I called to have it refilled and the doctor said I need to come see her again (for another 295$) I can't afford to pay 295$ again and now I am in a lot of pain and nauseous and shaky from taking the medicine everyday then all of a sudden stopping. Is that fair? Or allowed to do for chronic pain sufferer ( I have scoliosis, 3 slipped disks, a herniated disk, and degenerative disk disease) the only other option is surgery which is told by my doctor to be risky with 50/50 chance of being worse than before after the surgery. not that I even had the insurance to pay for that even if I wanted to chance it.

Is it ever a good idea to drop out of high school?

What about if it was because of medical condition that was progressive and degenerative and school was becoming quite difficult to get through? I'm 16 btw, and I live in GA. I have a condition considered a disability by my state (a mitochondrial dysfunction) and lately school has been getting quite difficult for me heh. Just...ah. This is kinda hypothetical because there is a possibility my health could improve if there is another problem being currently tested for due to a spinal tap. I'm a sophmore in high school and I'd want to at least get the rest of this year done, I just want some opionions on this. :s

How can I get custody back of my children after a drug conviction?

My husband and I lost custody of our 2 children 7 years ago. He was charged with a felony possession of a firearm and sentenced to prison for 9 months. I was charged with misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a minor for basically not keeping the house the way it should be and we were doing drugs. My aunt works for DHS and she was a big part in getting my conviction and getting them put in a foster home, which I know is conflict of interest. I had a DHS worker from another county tell me I could have them back immediately because of the conflict of interest. But, beside the point, there was a lengthy custody battle in which my daughter's grandparents (not related to our son) were given permanent custody of both children. We DID NOT sign away any parental rights and were assuming it was temporary until we got our lives together and our legal issues taken care of. My husband did his time in prison--9 months--without getting to see our son at all. I was given visitation on Saturday of each week. No phone calls. When my husband got out, they allowed our son to spend the night occasionally and sometimes a week during the summer or spring break. But they always treat us badly. We both had jobs, we turned our lives around and were doing well for ourselves but nothing was ever mentioned about even remotely getting custody back. We were paying our child support every week, it didn't go through child support enforcement, it was a written agreement between us. Then, in October of last year, my husband lost his job due to severe chronic pain and degenerative arthritis and degenerative disc disease. We made a deal with them that he will pay off what we owe in child support when he gets his SS. But it is really taking a long time, so they are mad. They think I should be working 2 jobs and there is no way I can do that and take care of my husband and his grandfather. Since we are so broke and unable to pay the child support right now, they have cut our visits to every other Saturday and NO overnights at all just because we don't have any money. They are punishing us, but they are punishing our children more. They both hate it there because the custodial grandparents are very strict and in my opinion mean. Both of my children tell me how much they hate it there and how they want to live with us and how the grandparents are making their lives miserable. We don't have money to take it to court. My daughter is about to be 18 in 2 months so she is planning on moving out, but I can't stand the thought of our son having to stay there in a place he hates for any longer especially without his sister. Our hearts are breaking because we are not bad people anymore and we love the children more than we can say and we are getting cut out of their lives because we are poor. Do you think DHS could help or would we have to get a lawyer and go to court? Is it possible to find a family lawyer that does pro bono work? I just don't think that all of us should have to suffer anymore when we are not doing anything wrong...we are just poor. HELP!

What hair color would look best on me?

Yeah, go with the red she has. Its really cute. My hair color is a little bit darker than dat since i do it myself, but i love it! And if you do look like that girl it'll look great on you.And do a lot of people from your town know who she is? I don't know who that is.Hmm...

Ever heard of a VW Bugger?

I recently discovered this lovely RV at a car show and Im smitten any info would be greatly appriciated.

BG Twins. please help with names?

If I had to pick one I'd say Patrick Edward and Stephanie Anne but if I could mix and match I would say Jackson Christopher and Stephanie Anne because Emerson is actually a boy name (though I do like it on a girl personally) but I can't stand the trendy y. Sawyer Michael and Skye Olivia are okay but I hate matching initials on twins. And Acton is so weird and Bella looks incomplete, plus Bella Addison are ridiculously popular names around here.

Through sickness and in health?

well that is a tough question for a child i would be their until my dying day if it was my husband i would send him to a home and visit but i would try to go on with my life especially since im only 24 but i would always visit even if i remarried.

Did i almost get scammed by a beggar?

This lady came up and asked for money for gas because she said she ran out and she was at her wits end. I had a gas can with 5 gallons and offered to give her some but then she said another person tried to do that but she had the kind of car that doesn't accept gas unless its from a gas station nozzle. But I said we would try anyways and I just had to finish parking my rv because she came up while I was parking. I started finishing parking and she just walked away and left in her car. Wtf was this lol? She had a nice ford pickup and didn't look shabby at all. Was she like a professional beggar? Maybe she thought I wad rich with my rv and would give her more than 5 dollars? Lol

What will kill muscovy ducks?

I live at an rv park with alot of ducks...mallards & muscovys and they r dying off what could kill them besides insecticides...people have put out mothballs to keep snakes away will that kill them?

I have a serious question about Arizona?

i have a friend that lives in Yuma Arizona and i read online that there is a fire somewhere in Arizona, is there a fire in Yuma Arizona where the RV parks are at any RV park. i need to know please, please don't joke about this plz, thank you.

Why my health insurance denied my physical therapy?

I have degenerative disc disease and peripheral neuropathy, but my health insurance denied in hospital physical therapy, but would approve a freestand physical therapy facility, Why is that ? and which is the best treatment? in hospital, or freestand facility?

Some baby name questions....?

Cute!! Girl # 1 : Juliet Rosalie Boy #1 : Jude Isaac Boy #2: Mathew Victor Girl #2 : Fecility Gabriella. This was fun haha :)

Can anyone help with my back pain?

I suffer from Degenerative Disc Disease and am in constant pain, I'm on loads of medicines, and had an operation to replace 3 disc's in my neck, but the disease has spread to my pelvis, does anyone think accupuncture might help me?

Medical question..Please help?

I had a full tear in my right Rotator Cuff. I had surgery to repair it in April 2009. I am still having allot of pain from it. It seems to be getting worse all the time. Is this normal? I don't do much as I am disabled, so my arm is not getting over used. I had regular surgery, not laser surgery. How long is the normal healing time and should I still be having pain? Is there something wrong with my Rotator Cuff again? I would think after almost 2 years my shoulder would be healed all the way and pain gone or at least very minimal. I mentioned this to the Dr. several times, but he said it is normal. I am wondering if it really is normal to still be in pain and it getting worse. Why have surgery if it isn't going to fix the problem? Please help. I have severe Tendinitis in my left shoulder and Spinal Stenosis, along with Degenerative Disc Disease. I can't take this pain anymore. My Primary Care Dr. prescribed Vicodin 10/660 and I am still in pain. What is going on? Thanks

I'm turning in to Stephanie freaking Meyer. HELP?

Yeah that's annoying, I hate when people do that, but because of her style of writing, which is like a middle school/high schooler, it's hard not to do. My main thing would be, instead of describing the color, which it's okay if you do it a couple times, describe the emotion: I looked into his loving eyes, I looked into his tortured eyes, I looked into his tear-filled eyes.

Would Steven Hawking have......?

...accomplished less in physics if he hadn't been crippled by a degenerative disease? Does his brain compensate for his lack of physical ability? For example like one losing their sight but gaining better hearing overtime? Or does his lack of physical ability prevent him from being distracted from science?

Can you use your TV satellite for satellite internet?

I was reading online about satellite internet for RV's. We have a 2010 Winnebago Via and we have an in motion trac vision satellite on the top for satellite tv (direct tv). I read online that you can use your tv satellite for satellite internet. Is this true? If we somehow got satellite internet (hughs net) in our RV would we have to get a new satellite on the top or can we use the same one? Also, to get the satellite internet, do we just talk to our RV dealer?

I need to know if I am disabled or not.?

I have worked a public job,mostly very physical,and a lot of mental work,I worked for 31 years,Im now 48 years old,had back surgery,corpal tunnel in both arms,degenerative disk disease,severe arthritis,buldging disk's and 2 herniated now,I am a basket case with the loss of my abillity to satisfy my need of accomplishment,I cant even hardly wright a sentence that is readable anymore,I dont want to fade away any farther,but it seems inevitible,I cant create any income for myself or my family,Im so ashamed of how my body and mind has given up,help.Im not asking for any financial support in any way,just some advice.

Different types of brake controllers?

I am wondering which type of brake controller should i buy to be used as my brake controller for my RV. I have a 27ft pull type trailer and i understand that there is 2 types of brake controllers. One is automatic and the other one is a manual setting. Can someone tell me should i spend the money for the automatic controller or is the manual one easy to set up.

Can a 2004 chevrolet aveo w/ standard trans axle be towed by a motor home rv?

it seems like your vehicle can be towed with all 4 wheels on the ground. remco provides charts for all vehicles and some need modifications like a transmission pump. but per there website it doesnt seem like your vehicle needs one. just needs a tow bat installed on the front and off you go.

Escaping to new life, need some advice?

First of all you have to work a quarter of the year to get unemployment from that job. 90 days is not enough. I do understand where you are at. I was there 10 years ago. I divorced and moved to where I really wanted to live within my means and started a whole new life. It was the best move I ever made. I don't think you should take all the money. That would not be right or fair to her. You want to do this right, so think about where you are going and where you will work and what money you wil need. I had my escape so planed out, that when I finally did it, it was a very easy thing for me and my children. Good Luck. I hope you find your happiness.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I have heel numbness and pain when i walk?

so a few days ago i was walking with pain in my heel. now i cant/ even feel the point of a knife in my foot, i can feel the pressure but not the point. should i be worried? is this something serious? i have degenerative discs

Question about health insurance!?

After high school I had a sport accident: someone kicked me in the inside of the ankle. It was a bit serious and I was told it was "degenerative athritis" and was operated on for about 5h. where they tried to rearange the bones and they took a beleive a peice of cartilage from my hip to help with the procedure. I was told that after a certain number of years it would need to be taken care off again. And they were right. It looks like it will need to be oparated on again. My question is : Is there a health insurance out there that will partially pay for the procedure because this situation is not new ?

Where do you think I could shop?

I'm trying a new look out this year. I'm thinking a little boho/urban grunge. Like lots of brown and green with a lot of accessories. Sort of like Bella from Twilight but more accessories and different prints. Where do you think I could find clothes like that that aren't super expensive?

On the soda topic... My dad was confused when he offered my daughter a soda and I said no.. Lol?

My 4 1/2 year old had a fruitopia in the car the other day, does that count? Other than that, he has maybe had a sip or two from our drinks. My 2 1/2 year old hasn't had anything except the odd sip. They drink juice (we mix 75% water, 25% grape juice), the odd juice box, almond milk, and smoothies (banana, blueberries, juice, spoonful of yogurt).

Whats the difference between degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis?

I had cervical fusion 10 years ago. I have been told the I have degenerative disk disease, degenerative spine disease and now osteoarthritis. I was told at the er that x-rays showed bone spurs in my lumbar spine and now in my thoracic spine. Needless to say my legs and arms hurt all the time. I have began to start dropping alot of stuff that I am holding in my left hand and my right legs continues to cause me to fall. Does anyone know if there is a difference in these diagnosis or is it all the same thing? Thanks to anyone who has an answer.

What is the most common pain relief for chronic back pain.?

I suffer with degenerative spondylitus in neck and lower lumber and also have coccydenia. What should be the best pain treatment?

An older man hit me and I hit him back, can I press charges?

I'm trying to find out something for my husband, it has quite a bit of detail. He's working down in south texas and staying at an RV park, no contract was signed so I guess he's considered an "at-will renter"? (That's what the sheriff said). Anyway, my husband Jake was a week and half late on payments (payments are 350 a week) because he went home to his grandmothers funeral last week and just got back a few nights ago, he got his check today and planned on paying the owner/manager Lee today. But when he got to the RV park the trailer he was renting was unplugged and moved against the fence, and the $4000 beveling machine that belongs to Jake's boss was gone. Extremely mad he went to the office and asked Lee what the hell was goin on and where was the beveling machine and Lee said you didn't pay so I moved the trailer, and I gave the beveling machine away to another welder. Well Jake started yellin at the old man (somewhere around 65-70?) and he punched Jake in the eye, and Jake hit him back then someone got between them and Lee called the cops. The Sheriff said he can't press charges on Lee because since he's a senior Jake would get aggravated assault. And he said it is legal for him to have given away Jake's boss's beveling machine because he's and at-will renter. However up to this point there was never a reminder notice or a warning note on the door, Jake told him last week he had to go home for his grandmothers funeral and that when he got a check he would pay him, that was the last thing said. Somebody please tell me if there is anything he can do? Surely it was not legal for him to give away a third party's private property?!

Questions about ssdi?

i have been trying to get social security disability since 2007 they keep on telling me i can work i am 59 years old 6 months 60 i reapplied last year in april 2010 was denied again this past feb even after there exam i had in dec and jan they found i had lot of bone spurs in my spine degenerative arthritis of spine nerve damage left arm sleep apnea and carpet tunnel both arms. was denied in april i had ekg and nvc test they found more things this time serious. 1 thing peripheral neuropathy, radiculopathy c6 l5 s1 bilateral cronic bone spurs c3c4 c4 c5 joints and the big thing they as nerve dysfuction they said yes and asked neuritis and neuralgia they said both now the issue is how can i persuaide ssi i cannot work which i am i am getting a pension of 900 from veterans will that be against me which it shouldnt i cannot work

Are Bella Thorne and Cody Simpson dating?

I have been seing rumors online about it.I heard Bella Thorne is a flirt.Are they going out? I need a good anwser and i will be choosing best anwser tommorrow when it will let me.

When should I refill my hydrocodone prescription?

I got a script exactly 30 days ago for the 5/325 Vicodin, 30 of them. The Dr also gave me 60 naproxen. He told me to take the naproxen for everyday pain (I have degenerative disc disease) and to take the vicodin only on the days that I have bad pain. He also said that the 30 he prescribed me should last me a long time. Well they would have but last week I had a pill addict come over and she stole the whole thing. I was going to make a police report and call my dr for a new refill but I had a ton of people (including a friend that is a dr) tell me that they will red flag me as a addict if I do. I definitely don't want that to happen as the vicodin is a life saver some days. When should I refill??

Rabbit cage help please?

Hi! My two holland lops, Jimmy and Bella have outgrown their cage, and I want to buy a new one. Do you know of any pet shops in Singapore that sell non-wire cages which are affordable, 8 square feet and easy to maintain for 2 rabbits? (No condos) Preferably near Balastier, THANKS SOOO MUCH! :D

Who sings the second female voice song in bella's wonderful singing?

i was on youtube and watching to twilight parodies and came across Bella's wonderful Singing. there was a particular song that caught my ear and i haven't been able to find out the name of it. if anyone has any idea. go to youtube and type in bella's wonderful singing. thanks!!!

Can u explain how stars and planets degenerate in degenerative era of universe(1 oogle year from now)g?

by that time stars may be dead but it got mass so gravity is there.similarly planets also.. so how planets will be planets just like now.. and how it can tear appart to sub atomic particle? can u explain the process

Thorasic back pain on spine & next to spine, freaking out, please help.?

I am 32 year old female. I am for about 4 months now having a mid back pain. It happens mostly at night while i sleep, i wake up hurting. It feels like a burning and its sore on 2 spots one lower thorasic, and one upper. Taking motrin 800mg and its not really helping. I have some low back problems *bulging discs, disc degenerative disease, herniated disc and inpinged nerve" but now the mid back is hurting. Im scared it a tumor or something? PLEASE HELP. What could cause a specific spot pain, and be to the right of my spine also? Im so stressed, and scared. go to doc on monday, should i get a ct scan or mri? :( The pain is contast, hurts to lay down, sit, and stand, and its like atingling burning feeling. I have had no injuries.

Alot of Back Pain. How do i get my primary Doc to listen and get him to send me to a diffrent dr instead of PT?

And you think your dr is wrong. I got news for you, I have had a bad/broken back with spinal fusion. They had me go to PT at first when they knew there was a fracture. With what I read yoiur back really isnt that bad. They treated the mild to moderate facet disease with the injection. It looks like they are hoping the PT reverses the bulges ( which does happen). Do they have you on any pain meds? Do you need a referral to go to another Dr? If not then go yourself, afterall you are entitled to a second opinion. Get it from a orthopeadic surgeon. Don't bother with pain management, That is usually considered last chance. They Didn't send me to a pain management until, they had exhausted everything else INCLUDING PT.

I am needing bone spurs removed from my back and Neck they are cauing much pain and headaches is it a bad IDEA?

Started many years ago I had spinal meningitus at 2 months and 10 days old was in an oxygen tent and on a Ice mat for 13 days with 106 degree fever. My parents told me The doctors gave me a very POOR prognoses. I was told I would be in a wheel chair by the time I was 30. Never have children and never be able to work. Well I will be 50 in July and have a son who will be 29 in August. I worked from age 16 up until 4 years ago. I have tried for Disability but denied 3 times. I had my shoulder broke in 1992 and they found out then I have Degenerative Spinal Disc Disease and Degenerative Bone disease. I had C-4 and C5 disc hernaited in my neck in 1994. And There were many more in my lower back going. I went to a Chiropractor a month ago and was told I have now got 14 bone spurs in my Neck putting pressure on my nerves and I have 21 more bone spurs from my neck to my tail bone. Some of witch cause me to have muscle spams in my rib cage. Sleeping is getting harder every night. I toss and turn like a fish out of water most nights. Yes I am over weight I have tried everything to loose weight. I been seeing the Article for The Laser Spine Institute I would like to try this to see if they could help me but the closest place is 350 mile away and with No Funds I am sunk. I live about 15 mile from Fayetteville Arkansas and the closest Place they come is Oklahoma City Oklahoma. We know how far that is Because that is where My hubands Company he works for is based out of they also have a small terminal in Arkansas. So we have to go to Oklahoma City every so often. The ride is FLY any where. What can any one tell me about laser Spine Institute is it a HOAX. I have been to a spine doctor in 1997 and he was here in Fayetteville He told me He would give me an 80/20 percent chance. I said OK. He said 80 percent chance he Knew he would Cripple Me and 20 percent chance I would die on the table. I said NO. He threw the chart at the walll and stormed out of the room. I never went back. So I have had some bad results with doctors. Or I went to this one and he told me to use the Mind over Matter and I could heal myself. Go around telling yourself I DON'T HURT! I DON'T HURT! and your mind will get ued to this Idea and the pain will go away. But then he gave me Oxycodone for the pain and Flexaril for the muscle spasms, And Porazepam for my nerves and a few other drugs and put me in a back brace. And told me it was all in my head. It has gotten to where the headaches are there all the time now, My arms and Legs stay Cold and Numb, and I am not sleeping at night. I can sleep o the Couch from 6 a/m. until 9 and get more sleep then I do in the bed. I just need some relief. I am tired of being in pain all the time. I can not even tand long enough to put clothes in the washer now with out pain. Cooking a meal is a real chore. I put the stuff in the pan, then go sit dow, I go put it in the oven then have to sit down, then I have to fight to stay away long enough to get the meal cooked without ruining it.

Are Zendaya and Bella Thorne dating? what's the deal with them?

these two girls are from shake it up. they may be best friends, but it's a little too much, they sit on top of each other, they hold hands, they always hug and cuddle with each if their lesbians that's really digusting. What do you think?

I am 44 w. degenerative arthritis in both knees. Did topical creams or laproscopic surgery help anyone? THX!!?

The tendons on the muscles to your kneecap are tight to cause the pain you are having. The tight tendons make the muscle shorter so it pulls the tendon up on and into the knee to give it all that pain. As these tight tendons don't show up on scans or tests they go undiagnosed and that leaves the dr.'s with cutting as a solution rather than just freeing up the tendons. That means they have no idea of how to free them up as well. I know a gal who has MS and was going around in a walker because of the pains in her knees, all the specialists she had seen told her it was arthritis so she was trying to live with it. I freed up her tendons in her knees and she got up and walked around without the walker. So there is more out there to be found than the dr.'s have in their bag of tricks. That is just one of the many I have done for relief in the knees.

Can I take advil for my knee pain and darvocet for my back pain?

The recent pulling of darvocet does not stop me from taking these pills that I still have left. They work great for my low back pain. I have disc degenerative disease since 1974. So these pills really help calm my back pain down. However I recently started having trouble with my knees. When trying to kneel on either knee I get a burning sensation and horrible pain and cannot put any pressure on kneeling for me. The advil liqui-gels that I have been taking for several days seem to be helping the knee problems, however I'm suffering with a great deal of pain in my low back. Is there anyway I can take advil for my knees and a darvocet for my back? I have been on darvocet since 1994 and trust this med. It works for me!

How do I run my lap top of 12volt RV batteries?

I have two deep cycle batteries in parallel. I am not sure if it is possible, but it would be nice to work on the lap top while I am out on the roads. I tried buying a converter you can plug in the lighter and the laptop works when the car is running but when I shut it off it will stop supplying power. I didn't like that idea anyway Id rather run it off the two deep cycle batteries instead of the car battery (for obvious reasons hehe). Thank you

Degenerative Disc Disease and corisone shots?

Don't be afraid to ask your Dr. why. There are no dumb questions. They do numb the area before giving the injections. Since they will tell you that it's usually 6 months before you can have more. Sounds like you need them. I have the same problems, I understand. Retired LVN/LPN.

Can severe spinal arthritis cause constant leg numbness?

I have osteoarthritis, degenerative all down my spine. My legs have been numb for three years straight, but no doctor has ever been able to trace the problem down. It is a disabling arthritis considering it gets even worse when a storm is brewing.

What if you're seen naked inside your RV?

If you happen to strip inside your home, a person watching from outside a window could be convicted of voyeurism. But, if you strip inside your car, it is you that would be convicted of indecent exposure. An RV is both a vehicle and a home, so what is the guiding principal?

Can you get into the military with degenerative arthritis?

I have degenerative arthritis between my T6 and T7 vertebrae and I was wondering would I be able to get into any branch of the military? It only hurts in extream cold, usually in the start of winter. I work out a lot and that has never bothered me. I found out I had it about 2 years ago when I was hit in a car accident and my mom had told me I should go in for x-rays. I’m just worried because my cousin was going into the Navy and the first day when they gave him a physical they found out he had arthritis in his knees.

I need help with repairing an RV- little thing driving me crazy?

the converter latch was missing and I bought a replacement but there were no instructions and I've searched their website and there are none there either.

What is the name of this here book?

This book is fromt he POV of a boy whos mother has a degenerative disease (starts with an h?) she doesnt remember things easily. The boy goes about a company that is owned by a man that was friends with his mother. (something like that) and he soon discovers there are children in a secret unknown level who are geneticly engineered and he realizes they are his siblings (not sure ont he siblings/genetic engineering). then the ,man, the children, and the women helping him all disappear.

WWE has already taped next week's Monday Night RAW, so here's proof that CM Punk's promo was scripted?

Alberto Del Rio must be pissed off.....It seems like a great story though. Better than anything they have done in a long time.

Do you like me as a WS user?

Hey guys, i was just wondering if you like me as a user in this section, i was the same user as WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella previously but i obv changed my default & name cause we have a new champ in Kelly Kelly. Anyways, do you like my q's? anything else? thnks.

MIT MANIPAL or RVCE BANGALORE?? Which engg. Clg is better?

i am gettin in both. I think that Manipal Tech is way better.. ie campus life, fun and placements etc but some of my frnds in RVCE say that i should prefer RV. Wat say guys??

RVers, do RVs work well without hookups?

By that I mean if you don't have electrical hookups, can they generate their own power for refrigeration, AC, misc. using propane?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does anyone have scoliosis and degenerative discs?

It is very much possible to have both scoliosis and degenerative disc. If you are not codifent about you doctor the you must see another orthopedic doctor.

Do dogs having this sometimes chew their back paws?

If it is an older dog it could be arthritis or allergies. Only the vet. can tell you for sure. I have an 11yr. old dog that has arthritis in one paw and he is always licking and sometimes chewing on it.

What are good exercises for someone with a bad back?

i have degenerative disc disease in my lower lumbar and i'd like to exercise to lose weight but i don't want to further injure my back. so what would help me lose weight without huritng my back?

What could this be from? (Back Pain, Bruising, Hurting to breath.)?

get it scanned soon...if u want u can take second opinion of experts at, u can chat with experts live there..try it..take care

Could u please help me with names?

Bella, Rose and Grace are so tired and overworked it is ridiculous. Hope is an awful name to expect a child to live with. Avery is a boys name. Buy a baby name book and start over.

What is " Del Ritico " ?

A misspelling(?) of "Il Ritiro" which means "withdrawal" according to Google Translate. Not sure what it means in this musical setting.

Give me everything you know about mini bikes like where you can ride if it tears sod?

please my mom wont let me get 1 cause she saws you need insurance and so on this is the link to what it looks like tell me its hp if you know

What do you think of these names for girls?

My mom had a horse named Blaze, my neighbor has a dog named Juliette (but I like that name for a girl), I knew a stripper who used the stage name Bella, Piper sounds like a snob, Wednesday was part of the Adams family, Zendaya I don't really like for one of my kids but it's interesting, and Spencer is usually a boy's name.

I want To sell My Business Just Look Here Please?

Purchasing lists are a great way to market your business. In fact, attorneys, CPAs and other business advisors are always great sources for identifying potential buyers among their respective client bases.

What was the song cassie was listening to in the movie rv?

in the movie rv cassi aka jojo was listening to a song while they were driving down the rode that was like hello daddy hello mom can u go back to the movie and help me figure it out

Okay, why won't you blame WWE for the Benoit tragedy?

According to medical reports taken of Chris Benoit's brain after his death, Benoit had a brain so severely damaged from years of concussions and injuries that the brain resembled an 80 year old alzheimer's patient. Chris Benoit was suffering from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. This is a degenerative cerebral condition endured after years of mulitple concussions and other injuries. It is as a result of this kind of condition that the NFL is now beginning to probe the long term effects of concussions as a former NFL player comitted suicide after suffering from this same condition and reportedly went insane as well. Not to say that what happened was right, but it is unfair to Benoit to pin him and him alone with the blame. Is it not the responsibility of the WWE to ensure that its wrestlers are in proper health? Is it not the responsibility of the WWE to make sure that their wrestlers undergo mandatory Head CT scan evaluations to ensure that they are fit for action? Is it not the responsibilty of the WWE to make sure that all of its wrestlers who have a history of head injuries undergo psychiatric evaluations? While Benoit was found to have a prescription for steroids, doesn't the WWE also have mandatory drug testing? If so, then how did Benoit slip through the cracks? It is easy to blame Benoit when we blind ourselves to the fact that the WWE has a responsibilty to its wrestlers by ensuring they are in proper health for ring action. Doctors revealed that Benoit was in no shape to be in the ring after evaluating the shape of his brain and the fact that he was allowed to do so shows the negligence and wrecklessness of the actions of Vince McMahon for valuing the money and ratings his wrestlers bring to him as opposed to valuing their health. For those who answered that Benoit embarassed the WWE during the tragedy, the WWE embarassed itself by not checking up on its wrestlers. The fact that Vince McMahon refuses to own his share of responsibility for not having his wrestlers undergo brain evaluations after sustaining concussions is disgusting. If wrestlers subject themselves to brutal stunts that could cause long term injuries to their health for the sake of the WWE, then why shouldn't the WWE be responsible and look after its wrestlers?

Where can I fill RV propane tank in Montreal?

I am in the Westmount area... I went to Canadian tire but they only fill up BBQ tanks... I was wondering where would be the closest place I could go to fill it up.

Can't remember the name of this book?

Last year I read a book about a teenage girl and I can't remember it at all. It's fiction and it was about this girl who worked at a pottery store and loved pottery. And she kept getting pictures of herself emailed to her and eventually got kidnapped by her ex boyfriend who took her to a trailer park and tied her up in his RV. If anyone has an idea please let me know...

Too many bugs, please help?

I know this sounds really stupid and Unfriendable material maybe... LOL, but I'm on my computer via wifi and I'm in my RV. The door was left open so now theres a lot of "flying bugs", like Nats or something! They keep getting in my face and I'm scared to sleep because what if they get in my ears or nose?! Should I wear my headphones just in case? THEY ARE SO ANNOYING.

Känner du till den första låten från Ciao Bella Trailer/song from ciao bella trailer?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Spinal Problems - dextroscoliosis/thinning?

I have been told that I have this also. I do not know how bad yet. However I have lost a inch and a hafe in my highth so best of luck.

In Twilight: New Moon, how do the Volturi eat the people who come on tour without being suspected?

In Twilight: New Moon, after Edward and Bella are dismissed from Aro's court, Demetri and Heidi talk about eating the people that are taking a tour of Aro's castle. How can they eat anybody who takes a tour of the castle without the people being reported missing and the Volturi being suspected of murder or vampiring, because everyone who enters their castle doesn't return?

What is the best kitten name?

I am getting a kitten when i get back from my dads from summer.the family that i'm getting her from have three girls who have named her Bella which is a cute name but I also love Chloe and Sophie Jane. My kitten isBlack with a white belly and white paws. Let me know what you think:)

Frustrated with knee problems...need help!!?

I have had knee problems ever since I was really young. I am 25 now. It seems that every time I start getting active (running, working out at the gm), within 2 weeks of starting I am in sooo much pain with my knees! I have been to doctors so many times but never really get a reason or a solution to the problem with my knees! The only thing I have heard was that my knees may be degenerative and I may have a calcium deposit in it. I am hesitant to go see a doctor again because it is sooo aggravating but now I don't know what else to do! I started doing a little bit of running (not much at all), and now my knees are worse than they ever been. I have been wearing a brace on one of my knees because it is pretty much nonfunctional! Should I go see a doctor again or just see if it passes and stop all exercises that has anything to do with my legs?

Where to get Cece Jones Boots?

On TV they have this little program in between shows called "The Shaking of Shake It Up". On one of the programs, they discuss wardrobe and show you behind the scenes in the actual wardrobe room. While they are showing off some of their clothes, Bella Thorne (Cece Jones on the show) holds up a pair of ankle boots and calls them "Cece boots". I want to buy boots similar to that; very colourful and fun. Where can I buy a pair like that and how much are they? (I live in Manitoba, Canada.)

Eeep! Audition!?? VERY IMPORTANT?

me and my cousin have an audition to dance on a t.v. show. we want to partner dance... i can not really learn from vdeos, i can only learn from words. i know i'm weird. we kind of want to learn how to do the dance Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman did it the very first Shake It Up (at the end when they are in handcuffs) so we can switch it up a little, make it our own. any ideas for eyecatching dance moves that will help us ace our audition?? (i don't want any stupid answers like "you can only learn from a dance teacher" please... it would help us learn faster. this is VERY important.

Sister won't trade me beds?

Go to Walmart and get a thick foam mattress topper. That will make your bed softer. Problem solved.

How much does a new bathroom cost if you do some of the work?

Don't "guess" what you can do with your plumbing - figure it out with a professional, because this will make or break your project, and if you need to dig into the concrete this will completely change the job. I don't mean to seem unresponsive but you need to start with first things first.

25 and High Blood Pressure?

The last few times I've gone to the doctor and got my general stats taken, my blood pressure has been pretty high (consistently 180/120). I am 25 years old, 5'8" and 150lbs. I eat pretty healthy (not a lot of deep fried crap; varied diet of fruits/vegetables/poultry), don't smoke, and exercise pretty regularly (I try to get my heart rate up at least twice a week in the swimming pool). The only major problem I have is a congenital birth defect that has caused degenerative disk disease and deformities in my legs. I recently saw a pain specialist about my back and he was the one that's been monitoring my health information over the past few months. He said that my high blood pressure could be due to elevated levels of pain or stress, but that I shouldn't worry too much about it. However, everything I've read points to this being a serious problem that I should take action on it right away. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

A Twilight fanfic where edward and bella are in college, bella gets pregnant and edward hates abortion?

I remember that in the fic Tanya kidnaps Edward and at some point Edward shows up where Bella and him lived with a baby boy. And Tanya and aborted Edwards baby in the past. Also Bella was a tattoo artist in the fic. I believe it was pulled from but I want to know the name.

What is the best rv resort/ campground in myrtle beach, SC?

I would really like to find a place that had shaded areas and trees. We stayed at Lakewood a few years ago, but there was no escape from the sun unless we stayed right in the camper.

In order to drive a RV, will I need to obtain a special driver's license?

My family and I are planning a little roadtrip and are considering on renting a RV to accomodate all of us. Will the drivers need to obtain a certain type of driver's license or will our regular license work?

Back problems I need a opinions.?

I fell down the stairs 2 probably more times I don't know exactly well I fell down stairs recently in like February or March and my mom was touching my back this evening and pushing hard like giving me a massage and i felt pain and I said ow she said that's not normal... what do you think guys? she said she's gonna schedule another apportionment wit my back cause I have degenerative disc disease so ya. but I would like some opinions on this?? is something wrong or should I still go to the dr to get a MRI?

Does he even like me, or is he just trying to get back at me!?

Um well i think hes doing just because hes a jerk. Im not sure he may still like you but thats definately not the mature way to fix the problem.

Camping in Alabama - Houston Campground, Addison, Winston County (I think)?

From what I gather from reading this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Houston is a primitive type campground meaning tents are allowed. It is located in the William B. Bankhead National forest and you can read more about the forest here a href="!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwhwtDDw9_AI8zPyhQoY6BdkOyoCAGixyPg!/?navtype=&cid=fsbdev3_002553&navid=170110000000000&pnavid=170000000000000&ss=110801&position=Not%20Yet%20Determined.Html&ttype=detail&pname=Alabama%20National%20Forest-%20Home" rel="nofollow"…/a

Tours across the country of walmart?

my mom and i were talking and she said something about how a friend she works with bought a RV and is going on a tour across the country and on the tour you stop at EVERY walmart on the way. has anyone heard anything else about it? im kinda interested to know, so if anyone has any information about it please let me know, thanks :)

What are sports I can play while awaiting/after surgery for a herniated disc?

I'm 18 years old & have inherited 'degenerative disc disease' from my mother, and have herniated my L4-L5 disc. I have played soccer for 14 years, track and field for 3, and volleyball for 3. I am having a hard time adjusting to not being able to play any of these sports any more. Does anyone know of any sports I can play while awaiting for, and after my surgery to correct my discs?

(Preferably large) Open world games for Xbox 360, WHERE YOU CAN OWN PROPERTY?

You know like a warehouse you could own where you could put helicopters on the roof for escape, and create an arsenal Inside, and park a bunch of vehicles inside... You know what- yeah let's just start with, large openworld games where you can own property( land )(or an rv haha) ? Any ideas?

Veterinarian please, have questions about my pomeranian's trachea and back?

I took my 5yr old pom to the vet today because of his coughing and not jumping up on things or doing stairs anymore. The vet showed me the xray and he has degenerative disc disease in his back in 3 vertebraes and his trachea is constricted alot. The vet put him on temeril and methocarbamol. How expensive is it to get an opinion from a respiratory vet and have an scope test done? What is the outlook for this condition? Thanks

Edelbrock performer tbi intake worth the money?

will an Edelbrock performer tbi intake (7404) on my stock heads and mild rv cam give me noticeable power increase? its a newly rebuilt chevy small block 350 (.30 over) w/ tbi on my 1991 silverado 4x4. any thoughts?

My husband forgets things all the time!!?

It's not necessarily Alzheimer's or other degenerative brain disorder. Mental state and stress are huge factors when it comes to memory. If he's experiencing a lot of stress and disorder in his life, it will affect his mood, his memory, and his overall function. He should speak to his doctor to get appropriate treatment or management.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Family road trip for 6?

This summer my family (grandpa, grandma, mom, brothers (age 26 & 13) and I would like to do a summer roadtrip sometime hopefully in July. we always do national parks and we take the RV so we dont pay for hotels or resturaunts. We cant seem to find a nature/ attraction filled place to go. We live in Las Vegas, NV and would LOVE some ideas. (We've done the Red Woods, Yellowstone, Yosimite, and Lake Tahoe already) Thanks so much!

How tall is Bella Thorne and how much does she weigh?

As of June 2011. Like today. I tried looking it up but I have got answers anywhere from 4'9" - 5'3". I know sh has to be at least 5'0" and no more than 5'3" but I would like a exsact answer with evidence that it's real. And I would like to know what her weight is. Any answer with evidence for her weight too? Thanks.

Who is your favorite wrestler who is in the WWE Hall of Fame?

BQ- Which entrance do you think is hotter: Miss Tessmacher & Velvet Sky's entrance a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or The Bella Twins entrance a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is degenerative thoracic spurs?

i had a chest xray done the other day from my asthma specialist to make sure i didnt have bronchitis or pnumonia as ive been having asthma issues for over a month. that came out fine but they did find degenerative thoracic spurs. What exactly is this and could it be affecting my breathing as non of the treatments have been working.

Best camping spots in austin, texas?

after an hour of googling, i can't seem to find any legitimate camping spots that AREN'T RV spots for camping? does anybody know some fun spots to just do tent camping in austin, texas?

Never been too satisfied with my doctor. Not to sound picky or disrespectful?

I'm wondering if perhaps your doctor doesn't take you seriously because you always complain about something, you always have to have a problem with you or you are not satisfied? And you saying you need moral support kind of confirms my thoughts, you are looking for attention. You could go see a therapist. But if you really do have all these issues & you feel it's not getting taken care of, than you need to contact your insurance, see what doctors are on your provider list, then contact people from there. If you don't have insurance, than you can call any office & see if you can get in, although most may not take you as a new patient without insurance.

Did you like Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn better?

Well, I personally think Harry Potter is better. I have read both series, but rating Twilight I would say: Eclipse, New Moon, Twilight, Breaking Dawn. I didn't like the ending, how it focused again on Bella and Edward. That just annoys me because they were in the spotlight too much (in my opinion). I am on Team Jacob, I think, because werewolves are cool.

Why do Assisted Suicide supporters make dying from incurable disease so scary?

Suffering unnecessarily for the sake of not being a "coward" is just stupid, in my opinion. It ultimately doesn't accomplish anything, other than prolonging the person's agony.

Free or inexpensive campsites in or near southern Ohio?

Hi. I am looking for a free or inexpensive place to go camping within a 4 hour drive of Dayton, OH. I am looking for somewhere kinda of isolated with out RVs or tons of people near by. Somewhere where each camp site is hundreds of feet at least from the next camp site, not right on top of each other. An outhouse and shower would be preferable.

Toyota Dolphin RV tail light/brake light, turn signal lights?

What bulbs do I use for the taillight/brake light, and turn signal lights? Basically all external light bulbs on a 1988 Toyota Dolphin RV. It's a '88 Toyota Pickup.

Sever pain in my upper thigh?

I will start by saying that I have had back and spine trouble since a failing trauma since 2002. I have had 11 spinal surgeries with 7 fusions over the past 9 years from L1 thru S1. I have had hardware installed and then removed due to MRSA and Ostimyolitsis infections that have been chronic to present accompied with open non healing wounds over the surgical sites. * pic lines with vanco and a mulitude of other antibiotics. I have experinced sever pain in my lower bcak and pelvis since the initial injury as time goes on it gets worse. I am currently being treated by a large PM hospital at a majior university. Recently I have been getting unbarable radiating pain that starts in my lower spine travles down my right side over the upper hip through the intersection of the side and front of my thigh to the knee. This usualy occurs if I have been standing or walking (with my cane short distances) for any amount of time. It is best discribed as a stabbing pain that feeles like waking up form surgery having a blacksmiths red hot iron implanted in the area. This may last from several seconds to several minuites. It is usualy helpful to move at my waist and or sitting down. I have not yet brought it up to my PM clinic hoping it would just be a non related pain to my spine. I have talked with my PC doctor who thinks I should see the neurosurgeron. The neurosurgeron looking over my complete history said due to the nature of the injury and the complexity of the the surgeries that he would not preform the surgey but does think that it is caused by one of my many herniated and degenerative discs. due to the infections and many hospitalizations I have no hardwarre support implanted in my spine but several BMP fusions were attempted with no success. A MRI would help but can not be preformed due to PM and other heart implantations. What suggestions would you have?

What is it that edward cullen does to protect bella swan when he tells her to get in the car.?

in the first twilight film, bella is stalked by some drunk men in port angeles and edward drives up in his volvo c30 and tell bella to get in the car he what i want to know is when he "has a staring contest" with the drunk men what is it that makes them back off?

Does he even like me, or is he just trying to get back at me!?

He is a scumbag trying it on with every girl possible because he's desperate. He sounds like a promiscuous and polygamous pr***.

How do I bring up my "mother-in-law" issue with my spouse?

Find some way to calmly talk with her about it. Explain what you are going through and what your concerns are. The couples that can work through trying situations like this wind up being happier and closer than the ones who just let things go.

Me?!?! An Audition?!!? Please Help. (:?

me and my cousin have an audition to dance on a t.v. show. we want to partner dance... i can not really learn from vdeos, i can only learn from words. i know i'm weird. we kind of want to learn how to do the dance Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman did it the very first Shake It Up (at the end when they are in handcuffs) so we can switch it up a little, make it our own. any ideas for eyecatching dance moves that will help us ace our audition?? (i don't want any stupid answers like "you can only learn from a dance teacher" please... it would help us learn faster. this is VERY important. We are only allotted 30-45 seconds of timingg. Please help!! I;m counnting on you!!!! (: [Loads of points to person who can help me the most]

How would you best describe me based on my birthchart?

You are very sensitive and sentimental with compliments to your Pisces sun and Cancer moon. You are organized at times (Virgo Asc) but can also be lazy and careless when you feel like it. You may enjoy talking but not more than you enjoy your freedom! Aquarius in Mercury and Venus. In relationships (if not married) you may be subject to not wanting commitment. (Aquarius) Hope I helped. :)

How can I help my family to deal with bereavement?

u should let them know u will always be there for them whenever they need to talk. let them come to u on their own time. the best thing u can do is just support them and be there. maybe try to help out around the house more often or bake everyone some cookies.

Can my DAD lose his VA disability money?

If it is non service connected it isn't disability , it is a veteran pension , two separate and distinct programs. To answer your question, yes , they can take away the pension if he is found to be cured . I am assuming that he also gets Social Security disability and on that one I am not sure.

I live in a rv and have rented my lot for five years. i singed one lease. then my lanlord got ill?

his poa refushed to sign a new lease. i never waved my year leash. now my landloard is dying and his brother sued to become the new poa. his brother wants me out. i am a good tenate. i never been late or done anything to be kicked out. can i sue for not following the landlord tenate law rcw 59.20.

What is the price for staying at an RV park for a month or more. I have a trailer I can use.?

I am needing a cheap place to stay for a time. I can use my dad's trailer. What is a good RV park I can stay in. and How much would it cost? Or where would i find the information. Im in the fortworth texas area.

What is the difference between a homophobe and a racist?

I think they are both bullies. This is learned at a young age always among males and they are encouraged by their peers and coaches. When you fight with objects other than your brain, this is what leads to it. When teachers and researchers try and stop this degenerative behaviour, they are laughed at and ridiculed by the right because they are the problem.

Is arthroscopic knee surgery even beneficial for advanced osteoarthritis?

They will all probably opt for the scope on the knee first. I have severe arthritis in both my knees and i get A LOT of relief when they go in and do this to the left knee, the right knee nothing helps. So i have seen each side of the coin. The recovery time for the scope is super short, i was back to work in 3 days and only on crutches for a few hours. A knee replacement is a ***** of a surgery to go through, my mom just had a partial replacement done and the pain for that surgey is WAY worse that just getting a scope done. Will she need the replacement probably but it never hurts to try to quick fix first.

What is the relationship between racing and Christmas decorations?

I worked my first race event this past weekend and was wondering why so many of the RV's were decorated with Christmas decorations. There was even a man dressed as Santa both night walking around.

Did i do the right thing for this girl?

Your question is kind of confusing. So shes trying to get you to bring someone else online so she can talk her. Since you dont know who Bella is then how are you going to ask her? If you recognize her face, then there are two possibilities: Bella hates strangers, or she might think is a prank, or she will go for it. Just a warning. But i dont think its a good idea since you dont know her?

Put my dog in a diet, now he's too skinny.?

My miniature pinscher has degenerative disc disease and an enlarged heart. His vet said that he was over weight and that he needed to lose some weight to keep from being in pain. I used to keep his food and water dish out all the time, but after talking with the vet, I began only feeding him a cup of food once a day at the vets recommendations. The diet worked and he lost a lot of weight and isnt in pain anymore. In fact he is actually thriving and is so much more acrive. So I began feeding him twice a day, but he just keeps losing weight. Now he is just so skinny that he almost looks sickly. He acts perfectly fine. He still runs and play, he us always loving and is always alert. He barks all the time!!! But he is just beginning to look so thin and its worrying me. I keep feeding him, but the weight keeps just falling off. He doesnt have worms or fleas, and other than being too skinny, he is perfectly healthy. How do I put more weight on him without causing more stress to his spine and heart?

What is your favourite name for each letter of the alphabet (Girl and Boy)?

Avia, Breanne, Carlie, Danielle, Emma, Faith, Gabriella, Hannah, Isabella, Juliana, Kaitlyn, Leah, Mia, Natalia, Olivia, Paige, Quinn, Rose, Selena, Teresa, Una, Victoria, Willow, Xanda, Yolanda, Zoey

If I get pulled over by the police while driving my RV and asked where I live, can I just answer 'here?'?

Yes. You will be treated as a homeless person because that's where homeless people live - under a bridge or in a car. So you might be arrested.

Would I look totally different or not? ?

My hair is long! It reaches half of my thigh and I want to cut it to my elbow! Kinda like Bella Thorne's. I want to do my hair diff for the new school year. Do you think it's too much of a change?

Is there any way to travel the world/backpack while being a Type 1 Diabetic?

Well, say I wanted to buy a RV and travel the world and needed insulin, is there any way I could obtain insulin around the world? Or if I ever wanted to backpack around the United Kingdom. These have always been life dreams of mine but now that I'm diabetic, I feel like those dreams are down the drain. Any ideas/suggestions that might help me keep hold of these dreams?

Tent trailer full-time...?

Has anyone had the experience of living full-time in a pop-up tent camper. They have several amenities that would seem to make them livable/doable, such as heaters and air conditioners. I have been homeless for over a year living in my pick-up so anything else would be an improvement. I am starting a new job with a very good wage and could certainly save the money for the investment in no time. What do RV campgrounds typically charge for lot rent? I assume it is seasonally adjusted. Any insight is very appreciated!

I have degenerative disc disease from C1 thru T9, and Fibromyalgia, what assistance is available for me?

I am currently receiving LTD, but am interested in finding more funding or assistance with counseling, medical bills, whatever we can find.



How long will my husband have to wait to be declared disabled by the va? He filed for 100% in June 2010.?

My husband filed for 100% diability with the VA in June 2010. t has been several months since they have said they were working on his claim. He also has several other claims on file. They have been sending him to get treatment for various things like degenerative disc disease involving the lumbar back, knee degeneration, PTSD, prostate cancer--to name a few. why haven't they declared him 100% disabled sincehe has already been declared disabled by the federal government. All of these sevice connected injuries were not completely diagnosed and he was found to be disabled by social security. Will this take 2 years or more?

Bulging Disc for 4 years need advice. Misdiagnosed!?

I have had severe pain in my butt area for 4 years since the birth of my last son. Since then I was put on permanent disability. I have begged and pleaded for someone to find the problem. I started getting medi-care since Dec 09. I changed doctors and medical group. I now have a sutter physician. She did an x-ray on me in jan 10 and found out I have moderate arthritis and a degenerative sacriolliac joint. I am allergic to NSAIDS so can't do anything for the arthritis I am on 60mg a day oxycontin for the pain and now radiating down my legs since the past year getting worse. I did a MRI 2 days ago the results say I have a bulging disc in the L-5 ans S-1 area. plus arthritis and a hemangiomata. In the past I have of course taken pain meds, physical therapy, chiro, heat treatment trigger point injections or steroid injections. Now I dont know what my options are or what I should do to relieve the pain. It is getting where the oxycontin is not helping much anymore and my doc does not want to change or increase it. I see her on mar 3, 2011 to discuss. What should I suggest? Also because I was misdiagnosed and told it was in my head and my previous doctors refused to help me do I have a neglegence or malpractice case. I am in tears daily. Now deal with major depression and social anxiety also avoidance personality disorder all due to this happening. What should I do? All opinions appriciated.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dog question????????

Well Walking them is the best thing to do. If you live near by canyons or mountain trails that will let dogs around walk them up there. Oh but if you live in UT wait a little while for the Snow to Melt!! ha ha & a treadmill is too expensive for a fat dog

From Palin to Bachman to Trump... what are we looking for?

Is this degenerative process of digging out progressively lower scum from the bottom of the barrel an indication we are on a quest for a particular pathology profile and won't give up until we discover our Hitler?

What style should i have for a freshman in highschool?

Selena Gomez, Miranda Cosgrove, etc., all wear really bright and colorful pieces so if you want to dress a bit more like them you should probably embrace the vivid, funky colors which would also help you develop a unique style for you. Forever 21 is a great store and they have lots of cute, bright, exciting clothes to choose from. you should also remember to get clothes that fit your body type and make sure to buy colors that look good on you! By way of stores, Urban Outfitters is nice, so is something like Nordstroms (but that can get a little expensive too). You can look at something like Charlotte Russe or American Eagle. You can even find some cute things in Target. You just have to look. I'm sure that you can find something that will look adorable on you anywhere!

What's your idea on this Story?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My sick pet rat bit me?

I have a 3 year old pet rat. She is very sick. She has degenerative auseoarthritis of the lumbar spine and a giant black boil. She bit me when I was giving her a treat. I washed it out with soap. Will I get sick as well? Help

I applied for SSDI and they keep sending me to ridiculous Dr.'s. Does anyone know why?

I have scoliosis, a fused spine, degenerative disk disease, spinal stenosis, bulging disks, spinal arthritis, and pressure being put on several nerves including the sciatic by my spine. I have monthly dr. appointments and x-rays and MRIs that prove all of this and more. Why do they keep sending me to Dr.s that don't know a single thing about my condition or the spine and keep telling me falsehoods about my condition?!

What do you think of these names?and mn suggestions?

I really like Ava Katherine and Bella Jordann :) Cambree Anne isn't my style. I think Bella Annelise would also be beautiful and you have Anne in there.

Recreational Vehicle parking?

i need to know if there is any regulations to Recreational Vehicle parking with in city limits.. because down the street from me a guy has parked an RV and it blocks the road so you cant see if anyone is coming down the road..i have almost gotten hit more than once. the police say there's nothing they can do because he is not breaking any laws. but there has to be some kinda of law stating that you cant park an RV with in city limits for so long. the RV has been there for over 3 months now. it needs to move before someone gets hurt. i need help on this. any information or websites that might help are greatly appreciateed.

In order for a circuit to oscillate it's absolutely essential that the circuit have?

A. degenerative feedback B. regenerative feedback C. negative resistance D. a gain of less than unity.

Is community college a bad thing?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with community college. Believe it or not it will probably put you above a lot o people when applying for a job.

Iraqi Dinar "Investment"? Will it actually hit?

Sounds like you are the smart one in the family. Yes, this is a scam that has been around for years. About the only place they can sell them and get their money back is ebay as there are many others who are looking for a way to "get rich quick". There is not an easy way to get past the "total obsession". Dave Ramsey has an audio message about this scam on his site. Perhaps they will trust the words of an expert. Take Care.

What's wrong with my dog? Can she see ghosts/spirits?

Some people believe that animals have a 6th sense and can see/hear things that we cannot. Since we can't verbally communicate with our animals I guess we will never know.

Is it appropriate to call in sick to work?

Of course it's appropriate, you can't help it if you get sick. If you've only been working there for 3 months, you may not get sick pay just yet. I wouldn't tell them you have diarreah, just tell them you have a 'stomach upset'. They shouldn't ask you any more questions, it's none of their business anyway.

Am I wrong to be bitter towards my best friend for this?

Your friend is an angry POS loser who would rather spend taxpayer money whining and complaining rather than making any effort to help himself, he is a waste of space. You need to avoid him, the only person you will ever have any control over is yourself. As to your post bypass pain, you need to see different doctors until you find one willing and skilled enough to give you a viable diagnosis. My neighbor went through all that but is better now, but you need to take control of your care by finding a competent doctor, you can and should be helped, no one should have to live with chronic pain.

Disability hearing decision..when will i know?

i had my hearing feb.3rd and the judge said it would take 8-9 weeks for a decision by mail. after the hearing he sent me for a physical with the ss doctor. i have degenerative disc disease and a herniated disc and depression and anxiety disorder. are my odds of getting it good? anybody get ssdi for the same things. any info is appreciated and 10 points best answer

Should i go to a ophthalmologist if my optometrist said i had immaculate-degenerative eye disease?

the optomotrist just put me on vitamins to take my vision is getting worse seems pluse i have a venual angioma in brain can someone please help to make decision on going to a specialist or not

What brand of rv is this? (20 Characters)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Medical discharge percentage from the Navy?

I was given a general under honorable conditions discharge back in 2004.I was suppose to get a medical discharge. I hired a lawyer to help me get my medical but I been trying to find out what percentage of my base pay will I get from the Navy? I get 30% right now from the VA which I am also appealing. I've told been told that I should be getting 50% at minimal for my degenerative disk disease. I have other problems too. I just want to know if I can be medically retired instead of given a discharge and at what percentage would I get from the Navy? Can anyone help this vet out?

Turtle crisis, what should i do?

the other day, when my family was eating dinner Joi said "whats that by Bella?" our cat. we looked and found it was a female painted turtle- right next to our pool! she came all the way up from the pond! when dad picked her up we noticed she was trying to continue kicking a piece of dirt- uh-oh. sister looked around the dirt and found at least five eggs. right next to our chlorinated swimming in-ground pool. we came up with a solution that should help the eggs, but what do you guys think? what should we do?

I am only 35 and have just been told i have degenerative disc disorder...?

Hi folks, i am 35 and have been having lower back pain for over a year so my GP sent me for an MRI scan, i went for the results today and the consultant said i have DDD! He didnt go into much detail and i didnt ask anything as i was a bit shocked as he said i was very young to have this condition so could anybody tell me please, does this mean i am going to get more back problems as i get older and is this condition going to give me any serious problems with my back? expert answers only please! thanks.

What car would be best for this?

I'm writing a book and in it the characters buy a vehicle. I need this vehicle to be able to hold 6 people, a drum set, 2 acoustic guitars, a bass guitar or two, 4 guitars (I'm no good with what kind, but 2 for the rhythm guitar player and 2 for the lead guitar player), a keyboard, a few amps, and A LOT of clothes and things for travel (toiletries, board games, books, journals and drawing items, and etc.). The chacters are traveling, have to spend their money wisely (they're going to Hollywood and make money performing gigs but also have no merch to sell). What would be a good (and fairly cheap) vehicle for this situation? I was thinking a cheap RV from a little dealer but I'm afraid that may be too much.

Is it safe to use a garden hose for drinking water to an RV?

New pvc hoses that have water sitting in them leach lead above the recommended levels for drinking. Old pvc hoses leach some lead but not above the recommended levels for drinking. All hoses were safe to drink from if they were flushed with fresh water for a short time. So, the bottom line is flush out the hose for a minute before you use the water for cooking or drinking if the hose is new.

Rabbit cage help please?

I think that'll be OK for two holland lops, provided that they are allowed plenty of "out time" outside of their cage. If that's not a possibility, I would suggest getting a slightly bigger cage. It'll be worth it in the long run.

Locked out of rv hood key lost?

Help i lost my key for the hood of my rv its 100% circle key lock and there is no hole just circle its a 1993 ford winnebago itasca sunrise can this lock be picked? please help i need to change the brake fluid

Why does water pour out of the bottom spout on my RV's water heater?

I just bought my first RV (1978 with an American Appliance Mfg propane water heater model 6 ARV) and whenever the water system is pressurized (by the 12v pump or when hooked up to city water) the water flows right through the hot water tank and out of the spout at the bottom of the heater (it looks like a garden hose will connect to it and inside has about 1/4" hole). The only way I can stop it so I can use the water in the trailer is to turn the water off completely for the water heater. Should this spout simply have a plug screwed on to stop the water from flowing out or could there be something else going on? My RV dealer told me that was a spout for the anode rod but the Anode rod is actually at the back of the tank with access from inside the trailer, not outside behind the water heater door. The spout in question is located near the bottom of the unit, on the wall behind the gas/air tube. Anyone know anything about these heaters that might know?

Best Arizona RV Park?

There are about 6 listed RV parks in Phoenix. Each with its own highlights. Try the Desert's Edge RV Village. It's been awarded National Park of the Year and State Park of the Year. North Phoenix RV park has swimming and wading pools so does Phoenix Metro RV park--which looks more elegant. After Phoenix, try Sedona. They've got awesome Sedona hikes of the famous canyons.

Twilight Fanfiction where bella gets kidnapped?

I can't remember this fic too well but I remember edward and bella were in college at some point and they both loved and wrote music. Bella gets pregnant and they seemingly live hea but on their sons birthday jacob kidnaps bella and she shows up years later with her and edwards daughter, I believe her name was emma and I think their sons name was jackson. Does anyone remember the name to this fic?

Can I get disablity for this back trouble?

had an MRI and this is what is says. saying: The scout images which include visualization of the cervical spine identify significant disc pathology at the C5-C6 and C6-C7 disc levels. The thoracic disc spaces are well hydrated with the exception of the T3-T4 disc, which is desiccated and minimally narrowed. Scout images demonstrate significant degenerative disc disease and suspected central canal stenosis at the C5-C6 and C6-C7 disc levels in the lower cervical spine. can someone put this in english for me please. I do understand now and I have very severe pain in my neck and back legs go numb and it has also gave me urinary retention, Can i get disablity for this problem?

Why does he ignore me? HELP!?

Okay so I like this guy lately I've been texting him. We were becoming pretty good friends, then my friend, Bella, gave him pretty good hints that I liked him then all if a sudden he stopped texting me.. I think he he was ignoring me because he still texts Bella. Bella found out who he likes and it's not me:( so why did he ignore me after he learned that I liked him?Beirut it's kinda confusing but I need help!!! Oh and we are both 14 and going to be freshman!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Are you annoyed with twilight?

i am all my twilight crazed friends are waiting till breaking dawn because out idk whats so great about twilight its so boring nobody that's "important" dies and bella just gets on my nerves all she does obsess over edward and they won so many awards for sharing with the world how gorgeous edward is its not fair for other movies

My grandpa has given up. I'm just in shock, I'm 1000 miles away, what can I possibly say to him?

I'm sorry to hear about this. To me it sounds like he is going through depression. Maybe you could advise him to talk to someone about it and perhaps see a therapist. also there are other things in life to enjoy besides seeing things. You could tell him to "enjoy the little things like grandma's warm embracing hugs, the sound of the birds chirping in the morning, the smell of a tasty meal, the melody of a song" I also think it would be a good idea to mail him some CD's that he could listen to. Perhaps his favorite artist or band :) I think he would like that. Good luck!

Work Tag line please help!!?

I work at a credit union and we are having an internal tagline contest. We currently have a promotion for automobile, motorcycle, and RVs with a great interest rate and we are having a contest as to who can come up with a great tag line. Something to grab the customer's attention and ask questions. I have a few ideas, but do you have any suggestions and/or ideas of a tagline. Please help a girl out.

How will a black hole degenerate in degenerative era?

i the degenerative era large black holes will be there.. so is there a probability that black holes can loose mass and degenerate?If yes how will the loose mass?it seems contradicting.

Do you prefer Blockbuster films or Arthouse/Foreign/Independent films?

arthouse and independent films, I do watch blockbuster films but I do prefer arthouse and independent.

Help please i need some inspiration to not give up?

i dont know if ur a christian and i usually dnt just say this stuff but i get where ur comin from.......... ive faced a time in my life when i just wanted to give up on everything. for different reasons then u of course but they were severe. i was just existing, not living. i didnt show any love and i wldnt let anyone help me. and then for some reason one random day i found faith. faith in my friends, my family, and most of all God. they all helped me more than i cld ever imagine. thats wat u hav to do. u hav to seek faith and find the love thats right infront of u. there a song called "name" by a great band called Fireflight. plz listen to it and listen to the words and u will feel something. i wish u the best. God bless <3

How can I look as skinny as Bella Thorne on Shake it Up?

you just need to eat small meals & exercise everyday ! thats how i lose weight . but , since your 13 its important that you need to be 100 or more pounds because if you are less then that means you're unhealthy . i hope this helped ? sorry if it didnt though .

How can I curl my hair to make it like Bella Thorne's?

Get a curling iron with a large barrel. Wrap the hair around the barrel without using the clamp for a few seconds, and release it. Do the entire head, and run your fingers through it and some pomade to loosen the curl. For the InStyler, wrap it around the barrel, close it, let it brush for a minute. I've had much better results with an unclamped curling iron rather than the InStyler.

Where did Bella Thorne get her 13 birthday dress?

I was looking at pictures from bella thornes 13 birthday party and her 2 outfits she used were really cute. do you know what store i can get it at or site?

I need help for name!?

I'm writing a story and I already have my main characters: William Weber, Eloise Bethany, Tony Anderson, Bella Summers, Crystal Jaquine and Matthew Hickman. I want to make a new story, suggestions for main characters????

Does Bella tell Carlisle about her transformation?

Im sure she would have told him later privately. She said she didnt want edward to know. but I dont see what the big deal is. Its over now, and pain is a normal part of the process. Plus Edward would just read Carlisle's mind anyway.