Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am needing bone spurs removed from my back and Neck they are cauing much pain and headaches is it a bad IDEA?

Started many years ago I had spinal meningitus at 2 months and 10 days old was in an oxygen tent and on a Ice mat for 13 days with 106 degree fever. My parents told me The doctors gave me a very POOR prognoses. I was told I would be in a wheel chair by the time I was 30. Never have children and never be able to work. Well I will be 50 in July and have a son who will be 29 in August. I worked from age 16 up until 4 years ago. I have tried for Disability but denied 3 times. I had my shoulder broke in 1992 and they found out then I have Degenerative Spinal Disc Disease and Degenerative Bone disease. I had C-4 and C5 disc hernaited in my neck in 1994. And There were many more in my lower back going. I went to a Chiropractor a month ago and was told I have now got 14 bone spurs in my Neck putting pressure on my nerves and I have 21 more bone spurs from my neck to my tail bone. Some of witch cause me to have muscle spams in my rib cage. Sleeping is getting harder every night. I toss and turn like a fish out of water most nights. Yes I am over weight I have tried everything to loose weight. I been seeing the Article for The Laser Spine Institute I would like to try this to see if they could help me but the closest place is 350 mile away and with No Funds I am sunk. I live about 15 mile from Fayetteville Arkansas and the closest Place they come is Oklahoma City Oklahoma. We know how far that is Because that is where My hubands Company he works for is based out of they also have a small terminal in Arkansas. So we have to go to Oklahoma City every so often. The ride is FLY any where. What can any one tell me about laser Spine Institute is it a HOAX. I have been to a spine doctor in 1997 and he was here in Fayetteville He told me He would give me an 80/20 percent chance. I said OK. He said 80 percent chance he Knew he would Cripple Me and 20 percent chance I would die on the table. I said NO. He threw the chart at the walll and stormed out of the room. I never went back. So I have had some bad results with doctors. Or I went to this one and he told me to use the Mind over Matter and I could heal myself. Go around telling yourself I DON'T HURT! I DON'T HURT! and your mind will get ued to this Idea and the pain will go away. But then he gave me Oxycodone for the pain and Flexaril for the muscle spasms, And Porazepam for my nerves and a few other drugs and put me in a back brace. And told me it was all in my head. It has gotten to where the headaches are there all the time now, My arms and Legs stay Cold and Numb, and I am not sleeping at night. I can sleep o the Couch from 6 a/m. until 9 and get more sleep then I do in the bed. I just need some relief. I am tired of being in pain all the time. I can not even tand long enough to put clothes in the washer now with out pain. Cooking a meal is a real chore. I put the stuff in the pan, then go sit dow, I go put it in the oven then have to sit down, then I have to fight to stay away long enough to get the meal cooked without ruining it.

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