Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am 44 w. degenerative arthritis in both knees. Did topical creams or laproscopic surgery help anyone? THX!!?

The tendons on the muscles to your kneecap are tight to cause the pain you are having. The tight tendons make the muscle shorter so it pulls the tendon up on and into the knee to give it all that pain. As these tight tendons don't show up on scans or tests they go undiagnosed and that leaves the dr.'s with cutting as a solution rather than just freeing up the tendons. That means they have no idea of how to free them up as well. I know a gal who has MS and was going around in a walker because of the pains in her knees, all the specialists she had seen told her it was arthritis so she was trying to live with it. I freed up her tendons in her knees and she got up and walked around without the walker. So there is more out there to be found than the dr.'s have in their bag of tricks. That is just one of the many I have done for relief in the knees.

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