Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Okay, why won't you blame WWE for the Benoit tragedy?

According to medical reports taken of Chris Benoit's brain after his death, Benoit had a brain so severely damaged from years of concussions and injuries that the brain resembled an 80 year old alzheimer's patient. Chris Benoit was suffering from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. This is a degenerative cerebral condition endured after years of mulitple concussions and other injuries. It is as a result of this kind of condition that the NFL is now beginning to probe the long term effects of concussions as a former NFL player comitted suicide after suffering from this same condition and reportedly went insane as well. Not to say that what happened was right, but it is unfair to Benoit to pin him and him alone with the blame. Is it not the responsibility of the WWE to ensure that its wrestlers are in proper health? Is it not the responsibility of the WWE to make sure that their wrestlers undergo mandatory Head CT scan evaluations to ensure that they are fit for action? Is it not the responsibilty of the WWE to make sure that all of its wrestlers who have a history of head injuries undergo psychiatric evaluations? While Benoit was found to have a prescription for steroids, doesn't the WWE also have mandatory drug testing? If so, then how did Benoit slip through the cracks? It is easy to blame Benoit when we blind ourselves to the fact that the WWE has a responsibilty to its wrestlers by ensuring they are in proper health for ring action. Doctors revealed that Benoit was in no shape to be in the ring after evaluating the shape of his brain and the fact that he was allowed to do so shows the negligence and wrecklessness of the actions of Vince McMahon for valuing the money and ratings his wrestlers bring to him as opposed to valuing their health. For those who answered that Benoit embarassed the WWE during the tragedy, the WWE embarassed itself by not checking up on its wrestlers. The fact that Vince McMahon refuses to own his share of responsibility for not having his wrestlers undergo brain evaluations after sustaining concussions is disgusting. If wrestlers subject themselves to brutal stunts that could cause long term injuries to their health for the sake of the WWE, then why shouldn't the WWE be responsible and look after its wrestlers?

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